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martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Nooo!!! tejido desmadejado......Nooo! limp fabric ...

Miren lo que me paso esta era una bolsa blanca larga para cuando voy al supermercado, casi igual a esta que le regale a la nieta de mi amiga Hilda:

Look what happened to me this was a long for when I go to the supermarket, almost equal to this for any gift to my friend's granddaughter Hilda white bag:

Pero saben que me paso ya la habia terminado y faltaba el remate, pero la meti en la lavadora y secadora, queria que se viera mas blanca y ven lo que me paso se desmadejo toda ja, ja, ja, ahora a volver a empezar a tejer, LES A PASADO ESTO A USTEDES??? espero que no Bendiciones.

But I know that happened and was over and missing the kick, but got into the washer and dryer, I wanted it to look whiter and see what I spend all ha ha ha desmadejo now is to start over weaving, LES A PAST THIS TO YOU?? Blessings hope not.


Muy buenos dias hoy les quiero contar lo que me paso, hiba yo en el carro con mi esposo, tejiendo como siempre, es que siempre cargo conmigo una bolsita con todos mis implementos de tejer, el punto es que ese dia la ventana de mi lado estaba baja, cuando de repente se me metio esta avizpa gigante entre mi ojo izquierdo y mis anteojos, a Dios gracias yo no hiba manejando, cuando eso ocurrio yo empeze a gritar y a tratar de sacarla de alli, me quite los anteojos y di un manoton, en ese momento mi esposo pudo ponerla en un vaso y taparla, fue algo horrible creo que no me pico porque no tuvo espacio para moverse entre la parte de mi cara (mi ojo) y los anteojos, creo que si lo hubiera hecho me hubiese vaciado el ojo con el aguijon, para que tengan una idea al llegar a casa le tome esta foto y puse una moneda de 0.25 centavos, no me he desecho de ella para recordar que hay que tener mucho cuidado cuando uno va en el carro con las ventanas abierta, uno nunca sabe que entra por alli, a parte de eso nunca supe como se llama en espanol ALGUNA DE USTEDES SABE???

Very good morning today I want to tell you what happened to me , was going to be in the car with my husband , knitting as always , is that I always carry with me a bag with all my implements of weaving, the point is that that day the window on my side was low , when suddenly I metio this giant avizpa between my left eye and my glasses , thank God I was going not driving when that happened I Started to scream and try to get her out of there, I took off the glasses and took a Manoton at that time my husband was able to put it in a glass and cover , was horrible I think not peak because he had no room to move between the part of my face (my eye) and goggles , I think if I had done it had I emptying the eye with the sting , so they have an idea when you get home you take this photo and put a coin of 0.25 cents , I have not rid of it to remember to be careful when you go in the car with windows open , you never know what goes on there, other than that I never knew as it is called in Spanish ANY oF YOU kNOW ? ?
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